Collection: Jump and Break Cues

When playing pool – whether at a recreational or professional level – it’s important to acquaint yourself with the wide variety of pool cues that are available, in order to give the most successful game you can. The jump and break cue is a typically American style pool cue that is most often sold within the American market. However, British pool players are increasingly incorporating them into their repertoires.

The jump and break cue is often used in 9-ball and 10-ball, where it’s acceptable for the player to jump the ball over an object ball if snookered. So, how is this achieved? How does the jump and break cue physically differ to its traditional counterpart? The jump and break cue is significantly shorter than traditional pool cues - with a harder tip – which makes for a stronger hit for jumping the balls.

This is also beneficial when it comes to break cues in their own right, as they are used to begin the game and require this hardened tip to offer the most power possible to the initial shot.

We have a number of jump and break cues for sale – either mutually exclusive models, or pool cues that are suitable for both requirements – we are a renowned supplier of pool and snooker cues in the Nottinghamshire area. With a selection of high quality brands to choose from, it’s all about personal preference when it comes to your purchase of jump and break cues from us.

Contact us today with any queries that you may have regarding our jump and break cues, ensuring that you choose the right brand and model before opting for your purchase.

Need a way to protect your cue so you don't jump and break it? Check out our Jump Break Cue Cases!

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